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Crítica & Talleres de Fotografía callejera

You will never walk alone
When you think you are alone, just stop thinking it.
English || español
You will never walk alone
When you think you are alone, just stop thinking it.
We have all gone through times when we felt lonely, there are certain low spirits during our lives that make us think that no one likes us, that we have no one around us, that we are miserable and that we will always be alone, supporting ourselves.
With this photographic series I wanted our models (randomly) to LOOK AT YOU, that their expressions, postures, gestures... speak to you.
You are not alone, they are telling you.
You are not alone, I am telling you without knowing you.
Nunca caminarás solo
Cuando creas que estás solo, deja de pensarlo.
Todos hemos pasado por momentos en los que nos hemos sentido solos, hay ciertos bajones en nuestra vida que nos hacen pensar que no le gustamos a nadie, que no tenemos a nadie a nuestro alrededor, que somos unos desgraciados y que siempre estaremos solos, soportándonos.
Con esta serie fotográfica he querido que nuestros modelos (al azar) te miren, que sus expresiones, posturas, gestos... te hablen.
No estás solo, te están diciendo.
No estás solo, te lo digo yo sin conocerte.
Project Gallery

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