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Crítica & Talleres de Fotografía callejera

This series of photographs (now finished) is a series I took during one winter at Repulse Bay beach in Hong Kong, where dozens of buses full of Chinese tourists arrived every day, most of whom had never seen the beach before. They were delighted to be able to touch the water and the sand, and they filmed everything with their mobile phones.

The lady who felt very comfortable in very uncomfortable trousers
Comfort is often psychological

The woman who always dreamed of scoring a goal
Tears were flowing as she imagined scoring the winning goal.

The man who wanted to be in the photo of the lady he liked the most
It was a successful strategy as they were later seen together.

The lady who didn't know how to press the shutter button
She was well framed and even combed but did not realise that she could use her other hand to shoot.

The lady who didn't know how to frame the photo
Whether he was shooting horizontally or vertically, he had a different problem, perhaps of space, sight or body position.

The lady on the left who was spying and listening to the boys
She approached stealthily, from behind even though she didn't understand what they were saying

The man who photographed seals and found a child
Although he was looking for another photo, he photographed him, you never catch what you want.

The lady on the left who didn't know how to turn her mobile phone camera on
Without a doubt, she missed a great moment and photo.

The man who forgot his mobile phone on the bus
When he went to pick him up, the driver was already asleep in one of the seats and did not open the door.

The lady who knew that you go to the beach with a parasol
She had privileged information, although it was not necessary on that day.

The girl who wanted to introduce me to her mother
The girl who wanted to introduce me to her mother

The family that promised not to smile in photos
The best of his photos was the one in his passport.

The man who always wanted to have his picture taken with a Spanish photographer and finally got it.
It was his wish since he was a child and life often gives us these coincidences.

The woman who felt uncomfortable posing for her husband
It was desperate how long it took him to photograph and to find the pose he liked best.

The girl who thought she found a crab
While another girl was making the most of her time by taking pictures on the beach.

The lady who photographed her husband in his new trousers
They were made in China but of good quality

The lady who photographed with subtlety and delicacy
The body position, the way of holding the camera was 90% of her results.

The girl who was phoned just when her son found an eel
The eel was missed, the timing and the call was from the wrong number.

The boy who was swallowed up by the earth as his mother greeted a close friend
No one expected it, after many years without seeing each other, the two childhood friends met again.

The inseprable friends who do everything together
They had many, many memories of the three of them together, albeit separately.

The girl who was one step ahead
He lost the rhythm easily and finished the dance tempos earlier.

The man who was careful not to get his trainers wet photographing the edge of the beach
He knew what photo I wanted but I didn't want to take the risk.

The lady who photographed a tie-wearing angel falling from the sky
He was elegant, immortal even though she wanted to photograph the sea in vertical format

Full collection
The photographs come in a metal box engraved with the name of the collection, artist and name of the buyer.
Each photograph is signed and numbered by the artist.
The collection comes with a certificate of authenticity and a personalised dedication from the photographer.
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